Monday, November 26, 2007

So bad

Apologies, I just have not had a moment to finish my stuff and get it on here. just finishing would be nice. Heck, starting it would be nice!
I finished the longies over a week ago, but haven't gotten around to the washing/blocking stuff. I'll try to get it done ASAP so I can get pics up because I know you are terribly interested. ;) Otherwise I have boxes, tape and newspaper coming out my ears as we prepare to move. All the stuff I kept out in hopes of getting a project taken care of before we leave has been packed away. We're actually moving in less than 4 days and we're nowhere near ready, so I've gotta run! I really will try and get those longies up before we go, mostly because if I pack them up for the move there's a good chance I won't be seeing them again for a loooong while. :)


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