Sunday, November 11, 2007

Well, let's see...

I haven't been up to a whole heck of a lot lately. I finally found the elastic I bought for a pair of longies that I'm doing for Zeke, so I whipstitched it in and now I'm finishing up the second leg. I'm hoping to get them done in the next day or two(or 5), so hopefully I'll have pictures up soon.

Oh, and this morning I got my invite for Ravelry. It's actually sort of sad because there's SO much to do on there and I know that once I start messing around with it, I'll be absorbed for days. Unfortunately, I can't be sucked into my computer right now, so I'm trying really hard not to go there and start looking at stuff. I'm sure my will-power will hold out until at least tomorrow. :)

And finally, I ordered some yarn to start on a few projects soon. I got some Misti Chunky Alpaca for myself and a few gifts and it's so yummy. So, so, so, so, sooooo yummy. It's the softest yarn I will have ever worked with and I can't wait! I also got some other sale yarns for scarves for the boys and a pull-over for Kai. It's nice to buy yarn and actually know what I'm going to do with it. Now I just have to find time to do it all.

So, back to work! Maybe I'll even get those pants done tonight...maybe.

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